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Useful websites, UK

Horsey Village www.horseyvillage.com

Norfolk Wildlife Trust www.norfolkwildlifetrust.org.uk

Pensthorpe Conservation Trust www.pensthorpetrust.org.uk

RSPB www.rspb.org.uk

The Great Crane Project's dedicated website is no longer online, information via these RSPB web pages.

The National Trust www.nationaltrust.org.uk

Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust www.wwt.org.uk

European crane websites

Count data from the main crane sites on www.grus-grus.eu.
This link takes you to the English version of the website for the Champagne-Ardenne group of LPO (in French and English).

Crane Information Centre www.kraniche.de (in German and English)

iCORA: an online database for recoveries of colour-ringed and radio tagged Eurasian Cranes www.icora.de

Cranes on film

'Crane Country' film produced by Nick Upton and featuring an interview with John Buxton and some of his film archive (16 minutes, released 2010).

Later 30 minute film 'Return of the Cranes' September 2012).

'Born to Fly' RSPB crane film by Nick Upton, 47 minutes.

The sound of cranes

Would you like to hear some cranes? There are some cracking recordings on Mark Avery's website here.

Papers and advice on UK cranes

British Wildlife: Common Crane habitats in Britain by Andrew Stanbury and Norman Sills, British Wildlife, August 2012. Paper by RSPB researcher Andrew Stanbury and Norman Sills, site manager at RSPB Lakenheath Fen nature reserve until his retirement in 2011 (though he's as busy as ever). It can be read or downloaded here.

The Cranes of Lakenheath Fen by Norman Sills in British Wildlife, June 2017. The paper describes details of the two pairs here since 2007, including choice of nest area, incubation and foraging areas. A section on management stresses the risk of disturbance for this sensitive species and the value of predator control.

British Birds: The Changing Status of Common Cranes in the UK by Andrew Stanbury and the UK Crane Working Group, British Birds, August 2011. The paper is here (BB registered users only) or can be read or downloaded here.

Both complement (and refer to) The Norfolk Cranes' Story book. More on these papers on our news page.

British Birds: The occurrence and recolonisation of Common Cranes in Scotland by Amanda Biggins and Hywel Maggs in July 2021 British Birds, full paper here for BB digital subscribers.

Management advice: as well as the papers noted above, here is an advisory sheet on management to help cranes, published by the UK Crane Working Group, the Great Crane Project and the RSPB.

For advice on managing for cranes in the Broads, you can also contact Chris.

Horsey Mill

Horsey Mill, with greylags in the foreground.


Cranes in flight


Swallowtail Print (formerly Crowes of Norwich): printers for The Norfolk Cranes' Story www.swallowtailprint.co.uk

Mike Langman artwork www.mikelangman.co.uk

Interview with Mike Langman by NHBS

Nick Upton's photos: many are on the Nature Picture Library www.naturepl.com and RSPB Images www.rspb-images.com.


crane and avocet

An avocet mobs a crane